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 250307 SH2-229 Flaming Star Nebula - CDK17 nativ HGB HGB (Halpha - Green - Blue) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 1.9h integration time (107 of 299 Subs used, 36%), strong moon (70%), mediocre seeing 1.5"-1.8". 09.03.2025, 21:43:29
 250304 NGC6050 Hercules Galaxy Cluster - CDK17 nativ LRGB LRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 1.8h integration time (387 Subs selected from 1507 Subs, 10s Luma and 20s color, ultrashort exposures), very good to excellent seeing (1.0" - 1.2"), moon 20%, three nights. 14.03.2025, 21:33:18
 250302 NGC3020 Galaxy Quartett - CDK17 nativ LRGB LRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 2.5h integration time (495 Subs selected from 637 Subs, 10s Luma and 20s color, ultrashort exposures), very good to good seeing (1.2" - 1.4"), moon 10%, 2 nights. 13.03.2025, 12:04:18
 250302 NGC2683 UFO Galaxy - CDK nativ LRGB LRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 2.5h integration time (525 Subs highly selected from 1349 Subs, 10s Luma and 20s color ultra short exposures) excellent to very good seeing (1.0" - 1.2"), moon 10% in average, 3 nights. 11.03.2025, 17:43:24
 250301 M38 Starfish Cluster - CDK17 nativ LRGB LRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 25min integration time (85 of 160 subs used), good to fair seeing (1.3" - 1.5"), almost new moon. 02.03.2025, 22:50:21
 250228 M97 Owl Nebula - CDK17 nativ LHGO LHGO image (Luma-Ha-Green-OIII), ASI6200MM PRO, 8.0h inegration time (464 subs of 763 used), very good to good seeing (1.2"-1.4"), data from two clear nights, no moon. 04.03.2025, 13:50:20
 250223 M108 Barred Spiral Galaxy - CDK17 nativ LRGB LRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 2.8h integration time (44% of 436 subs used), very good to fair seeing (1.2" - 1.5"), 40% moon. 23.02.2025, 22:57:37
 250221 IC444 Nebula - CDK17 nativ HLRGB LRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 3.3h integration time (224 Subs selected from 341 Subs, 30s Luma and 60s color, short exposures) mediocre to bad seeing (1.6" - 1.9"), moon 46% in average, 2 nights. 11.03.2025, 19:40:58
 250220 IC2574 Coddington Nebula - CDK nativ LRGB LRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 10.2h integration time (72% of 2155 subs used), very good to fair seeing (1.2" - 1.5"), 60% moon. 21.02.2025, 12:37:30
 250218 M42 Orion Nebula - CDK17 nativ HLRGB, 1.6h integration time, mediocre seeing (around 1.6"-1.8"), half moon. HLRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 20.02.2025, 20:19:20
 250217 M81 Bodes Galaxy - CDK17 nativ LRGB LRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 3.7h integration time (ca. 70% subs used), good to fair seeing (1.3" - 1.5"), 80% moon. 18.02.2025, 01:06:16
 250217 M36 Open Star Cluster - CDK17 nativ LRGB LRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 44min integration time, very good to good seeing (1.2" - 1.4"), almost new moon. 06.03.2025, 20:14:12
 250211 M94 Galaxy - CDK17 reduced HLRGB HaLRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 0.8h integration time (selected from 2.7h), bad seeing (1.6"-1.9"), 70% moon. 16.02.2025, 18:28:00
 250211 M1 Crab Nebula - CDK17 reduced HSO 250211 M1 Crab Nebula - CDK17 reduced HSO, 1.8h integration time (selected from 6.1h), 2 nights good seeing (1.3"-1.5"). clouds, high fog, new moon. 13.02.2025, 17:10:04
 250205 M82 Cigar Galaxy - CDK17 HLRGB HaLRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 5.8h integration time (taken from 9.0h), new moon, excellent seeing to very good seeing in 2 nights with good darkness. 06.02.2025, 00:34:35
 250204 IC360 Eagle Head Dark Nebula - RASA36 RGGB RGGB color image, ASI6200MC PRO, 16.7h integration time in 5 nights, good to very good seeing (1.2"-1.5"), 10-40% moon. 10.02.2025, 10:34:49
 250202 M44 Open Star Cluster - RASA36 RGGB RGGB color image, ASI6200MC PRO, 1.7h integration time, excellent to very good Seeing (1.1"-1.3"), half moon. 11.02.2025, 15:23:27
 250202 Arp4 Galaxy Cluster - RASA36 RGGB RGGB color image, ASI6200MC PRO, 3.8h integration time, excellent Seeing (1.0"-1.3"), new moon. 02.02.2025, 20:25:04
 250201 NGC5033 Waterbug Galaxy - CDK17 reduced LRGB LRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 4.0h integration time (283 of 382 subs used), very good to fair seeing (1.2" - 1.5"), 12% moon. 27.02.2025, 12:15:05
 250127 SH2-218 Molecular Cloud - RASA36 RGGB RGGB color image, ASI6200MC PRO, 7.2h integration time, excellent Seeing (1.0"-1.3"), new moon. 29.01.2025, 22:18:30
 250125 NGC2805 Galaxy and Cluster (Holmberg 124) - CDK17 LRGB LRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 3.2h integration time, 170 from 250 subs used. Cropped, good seeing (1.3"-1.5"), some high clouds, half moon. 08.02.2025, 20:39:02
 250122 NGC3198 Barred Spiral Galaxy - CDK17 reduced LRGB LRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 3.2h integration time, 230 from 720 subs used. Cropped, good seeing (1.3"-1.5"), clouds, half moon. 24.01.2025, 13:14:48
 250121 SH2-206 Fossil Footprint Nebula - CDK17 reduced HSO HSO narrow band image in modified Hubble 3 palette, ASI6200MM PRO, 3nm Chroma filters, short integration time of 4.3h (selected from 8h, 2nights), Very good to excellent seeing (1.0"-1.2"). 55% moon. 22.01.2025, 20:03:45
 250119 IC1848 Soul Nebula Narrow Field - CDK17 reduced HSO HSO narrow band image in modified Hubble 3 palette, ASI6200MM PRO, 3nm Chroma filters, short integration time of 3.5h, mediocre conditions, fair seeing (around 1.8"). 65% moon. 21.01.2025, 21:21:53
 250118 SH2-199 Soul Nebula center - CDK17 reduced HSO HSO image (Hubble 3), ASI6200MM PRO, 2.5h integration time, good seeing (1.3"), moon waxing crescent 26% 05.03.2025, 23:09:06
 250112 Moon ultra high resolution focus stacking - CDK17 reduced H-alpha H-alpha image of the (almost) full moon, ASI6200MM PRO, 50ms exposure time, 2748 images aquired. Selected the best 36 of them, aligned and stacked, denoised, cropped and resized to 10795x7711 pixel and sharpened. Seeing averaged 1.6", but selected frames are much better. 18.01.2025, 20:45:59
 250101 SH2-234 Spider Nebula - CDK17 HSO HSO narrow band image, ASI6200MM PRO, 3nm Chroma filters, 7.2h integration tim (14h eposition time, weaker subs removed). fast changing condition beween excellent an bad. Used subs 1.1"-1.4". Almost new moon. 04.01.2025, 17:15:19
 250101 SH2-184 Pacman Nebula - CDK17 reduced HSO HSO narrow band image, ASI6200MM PRO, 3nm Chroma filters, short integration time of 1.8h, good conditions good seeing (around 1.3"). New moon. 10.01.2025, 14:02:32
 241231 IC1613 Irregular Dwarf Galaxy - CDK17 reduced LRGB LRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 2.3h integration time, 158 from 260 subs used. Little cropped, very good seeing (1.1"-1.4"), clear sky, no moon. 19.01.2025, 15:19:39
 241230 IC447 Monoceros Reflection Nebula - RASA36 RGGB RGGB color image, ASI6200MC PRO, 5.9h integration time, excellent Seeing (1.0"-1.3"), new moon. 06.01.2025, 23:00:09
 241229 SH2-239 Taurus Molecular Cloud - CDK17 LRGBHSO LRGBHSO image, ASI6200MM PRO, 6.2h integration time (selected from 12 h), changing conditions, high humidity, no moon, darkness up to 21 mags, seeing good around 1,2". 05.01.2025, 20:05:55
 241229 NGC3184 Spiral Galaxy - CDK17 LRGB LRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 5.0h integration time, 253 for highest resolution selected subs. Stack ca. 50% cropped, excellent seeing (1.1"-!.4"), clear sky, no moon. 02.01.2025, 20:51:34
 241228 LDN1622 Boogeyman Nebula - RASA36 RGGB RGGB (color) image, ASI6200MC PRO, 10.5h integration time (628 subs selected), very good to good seeing (1.2'-1.5'), high humidity. Almost new moon. One Night. 31.12.2024, 20:37:30
 241226 LDN1407 Dark Nebula - RASA36 RGGB RGGB (color) image, ASI6200MC PRO, 10.3h integration time (615 selected images from 689), very good to good seeing (1.2'-1.6'), high humidity. Half moon. one complete long nights. 27.12.2024, 10:38:39
 241213 IC410 The Tadpoles - CDK17 reduced HSO HSO narrowband image in modified Hubble III palette, ASI6200MM PRO, 11.0h integration time, changing seeing 1.1" - 1.4" (only the very best ca. 25% subs used), 2 nights 10/2021 and 12/2024. 15.12.2024, 22:08:25
 241212 SH2-308 Dolphin Nebula - Takahashi FSQ-106ED HSO Australia remote HSO narrowband image in modified Hubble III palette, QHY600M, 20.3h integration time, excellent seeing (243 subs of 253 used), remote telescope in Australia from TL network. 21.12.2024, 11:15:49
 241202 LDN1495 Bright and Dark Nebula - RASA36 RGGB RGGB (color) image, ASI6200MC PRO, 5.0h integration time (299 subs selected images from 311), very good to medium seeing (1.2'-1.6'), high humidity. Waning crescent moon. Half night, starting at midnight. 28.12.2024, 20:00:16
 241201 IC1995 Dark Nebula - RASA36 RGGB RGGB (color) image, ASI6200MC PRO, 5.6h integration time (338 subs selected images from 340), good to mediocre seeing (1.5'-1.8'), high humidity. last quarter moon. Two (partly) nights. 28.12.2024, 13:26:52
 241130 LDN1295 Giraffe Nebula - RASA35 RGGB RGGB (color) image, ASI6200MC PRO, 12.2h integration time (729 selected images), good to mediocre seeing (1.2'-1.8'), high humidity. almost new moon. Three nights. 02.12.2024, 19:48:54
 241130 IC444 Reflection Nebula in Gemini - RASA36 RGGB RGGB (color) image, ASI6200MC PRO, 4.5h integration time (268 images aquired, all used), good to mediocre seeing (1.3'-1.8'), high humidity. New moon. One night. 19.12.2024, 19:33:41
 241126 M45 The Plejades - RASA36 RGGB True color image, ASI6200MC PRO, 8.0h integration time, medicre seeing (40% material erased, 1.4"-2.0"). High clouds, very humid, 2 nights. 26.11.2024, 21:09:07
 241125 SH2-171 The Cosmic Question Mark Nebula- RASA36 RGGB RGGB (color) image, ASI6200MC PRO, 9.9h integration time (594 selected images from 654), good to mediocre seeing (1.2'-1.8'), high humidity. Almost full moon. Three nights. 19.12.2024, 10:28:58
 241110 LDN1260 Dark Nebula and little Rosette - RASA36 RGGB RGGB (color) image, ASI6200MC PRO, 11.6h integration time (795 selected from 1264 exposures), good to mediocre seeing (1.3'-1.8'), high humidity. Crescend moon. Two full nights. 11.11.2024, 21:49:56
 241108 NGC1398 Beautiful southern Galaxy - CDK24 HLRGB Chile HLRGB image, FLI PL16083 mono camera, 12,8h integration time, 300s subs, Bin2, very good seeing. Data from TL, El sauce observatory, Chile, remote. 14.11.2024, 23:20:35
 241105 SH2-199 Soul and Dark Nebulas - RASA36 RGGB RGGB (color) image, ASI6200MC PRO, 10.0h integration time (602 exposures), good seeing (1.3'-1.5'), but high humidity. Crescend small moon. One full night. 08.11.2024, 18:15:42
 241104 SH2-187 Bright and Dark Nebula - RASA36 RGGB RGGB (color) image, ASI6200MC PRO, 10.7h integration time (644 exposures), excellent to very good seeing (1.0'-1.2'), but high humidity. New moon. One full night. 05.11.2024, 07:01:54
 241103 SH2-170 Small Rosette Nebula - CDK17 reduced HGO HGO (Ha-Green-OIII) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 3.9h integration time, excellent to very good seeing (1.0"-1.3"), high humidity, new moon. 03.11.2024, 19:45:04
 241101 Caldwell 2 Bow-Tie Nebula - CDK17 reduced HGO HGO (Ha-Green-OIII) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 1.6h integration time, heavily cropped (approx. 15%), very small target, exceptionally good seeing (1.0"), new moon. 02.11.2024, 12:45:22
 241028 IC1805 Heart Nebula - RASA36 RGGB RGGB (color) image, ASI6200MC PRO, 9.5h integration time (selected from 10.0h, 600 exposures), excellent to very good seeing (1.0'-1.4'), but high humidity and a few thin clouds. One full night. 02.11.2024, 12:59:30
 241027 NGC1333 Reflection and Dark Nebula - RASA36 RGGB RGGB (color) image, ASI6200MC PRO, 23.3h integration time, Excellent to very good seeing (1.1'-1.4'), but high humidity and some thin clouds. Four full nights. 28.10.2024, 19:48:37
 241024 CL VDBH 53 Area - Takahashi FSQ-106ED HSO Australia remote HSO narrowband image in modified Hubble III palette, QHY600M, 7.5h integration time, excellent seeing (all subs used), remote telescope from TL network in Australia. 23.11.2024, 13:40:44
 241021 M31 Andromeda Galaxy - RASA36 RGGB RGGB (color) image, ASI6200MC PRO, 7.9h integration time, Excellent to very good seeing (1.1'-1.4'), but high humidity and thin clouds. One full night. 21.10.2024, 20:12:35
 241021 C-2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS - RASA36 RGGB Single RGGB image, ASI6200MC pro, 60sec exposition time, clouds, evening time, low object. 21.10.2024, 22:00:23
 240930 MWP1 Old Planetary Nebula - CDK17 reduced HGO HGO (Ha-Green-OIII) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 17.4h integration time (from 22.1h), good, sometimes very good seeing (1.1"-1.4"), from five nights, little moon. 01.10.2024, 19:06:43
 240925 NGC1788 Cosmic Bat Nebula - CDK24 HSOLRGB Chile LRGBHSO image, FLI PL16083 mono camera, 13.7h integration time, 300s subs, Bin2, very good seeing. Data from TL, El Sauce Observatory, Chile, remote. 26.11.2024, 21:59:26
 240922 Simeis 22 Dolphin Nebula - CDK17 reduced HSO HSO narrow band image, ASI6200MM PRO, Chroma 3nm filter, 9,6h integration time (from 14.4h), mostly good seeing (1.1"-1.6"). Full moon. 23.09.2024, 17:55:10
 240922 SH2-99 - CDK17 reduced HSO HSo narrow band image, ASI6200MM PRO, Chroma 3nm filter, 11.8h integration time (from 14.8h), mostly good seeing (1.2"-1.6"). Full moon. 22.09.2024, 23:28:51
 240919 Full Moon - CDK17 reduced H stacked Monochrome image with Halpha Filter, 28 of 657 images stacked. Exposure time per sub was 20ms, Moon 99.5% illuminated, stretched and sharpened. Good Seeing 1.1" to 1.2", happy imaging selection of the best 4% subs. 19.09.2024, 22:51:12
 240904 LDN1333 Dark Nebula - RASA36 RGGB RGGB (true color) image, ASI6200MC PRO, 17.9h integration time, good seeing (1.3"-1.6"), quarter moon , slight light pollution (Bortle 3-4). 14.09.2024, 12:56:27
 240903 LDN1251 Angler Fish Nebula - RASDA36 RGGB RGGB (true color) image, ASI6200MC PRO, 12.6h integration time (out of 16.1h), good to very good seeing (1.2"-1.5"), moon under the horizion. 03.09.2024, 23:54:29
 240830 LDN1005 Northern Coal Sack - RASA36 RGGB RGGB (color) image, ASI 6200MM PRO, 18.3h integration time (from 22h selected), last moon quarter. 31.08.2024, 09:38:54
 240825 SH2-142 Wizard Nebula - CDK17 reduced HSO HSO narrow band image, ASI6200MM PRO, Chroma 3nm filter, 15.8h integration time (2021 and 2024), mostly good seeing (1.2"-1.5"). 01.09.2024, 13:11:03
 240824 SH2-54 Scary Face Nebula - CDK17 reduced HSO HSO Narrow band image, ASI6200MM PRO, 3.5h integration time, good seeing (1.2"-1.5"), 75% moon. 25.08.2024, 16:16:59
 240823 Melotte 15 in Heart Nebula - CDK17 reduced HGO HGO (H-alpha Green OII) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 4.6h integration time, good to mediocre seeing (1.3"-1.8"), half moon 29.09.2024, 13:46:05
 240817 SH2-119 Clamshell Nebula - CDK17 reduced HGB HGO (Halpha-green-OIII) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 6.9h integration time (ca. 60% from 2 nights used), mostly good seeing (1.3-1.5"). some clouds, bright moon. 18.08.2024, 15:14:31
 240815 M16 Pillars of Creation - CDK17 reduced HSO HSO Hubble 3 narrow band image (modified), ASI6200MM PRO, 3.3h integration time (from 4.0h), very good seeing (1.2"), clear sky, 80% strong moon. 24.08.2024, 11:15:46
 240812 LDN1235 Shark Nebula - RASA36 RGGB RGGB image, ASI6200MC PRO, 6.6h integrated (two nights). Exposure time 1 min, 398 subs. Quarter moon (was down), good to mediocre conditions (1.3"-1.8" seeing), high clouds, strong gradients to remove. 12.08.2024, 18:45:04
 240811 LDN1218 Hand Skeleton Dark Nebula - RASA36 RGG RGGB image, ASI6200MC PRO color camera (no filter), 5,2h (one clear night) integrated. Exposure time was 1 min, 311 subs used. Quarter moon (was down), good conditions (up to 21,38 mags darkness), good to medium seeing (1,3"-1,7"), some gradients to remove. 11.08.2024, 17:32:18
 240809 LDN988 and NGC7031 - RASA36 RGGB RGGB image, ASI6200MC PRO, 3,5h integrated. Exposure time 1 min, 212 subs. Quarter moon (was down), good conditions (up to 21,43mags darkness), no clouds, some gradients to remove. 09.08.2024, 16:14:04
 240807 NGC225 and vdB4 Sailboat Cluster - RASA36 RGGB RGGB image, ASI6200MC PRO, 26.7h aquired, 48% finally integrated (12.9h). subs exposure time 1 min, 775 subs (of 1605) used. New moon, difficult atmosperic conditions with strong gradients humidity and clouds. 08.08.2024, 14:58:00
 240730 IC5146 Cocoon Nebula - CDK17 reduced HGB HGB (Halpha-Green-Blue) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 7.0h integration time, good seeing, low moon 25.08.2024, 13:13:45
 240729 SH2-45 Swan Nebula - CDK17 reduced HSO HSO narrowband image (3nm Chroma), Hubble 3 palette (modified), ASI6200MM PRO, 3,3h integration time in 2 nights, good to excellent seeing (very low object). 29.07.2024, 23:10:36
 240729 M34 open Star Cluster - CDK17 reduced LRGB LRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 21 min integration time, half moon, good seeing (1.4"). 31.07.2024, 11:18:11
 240718 WR128 Supernova remnannt - CDK17 reduced HGO HGB (Halpha-Green-OII) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 15,9h integration time (from 27h exposition time, 59% used). changing seeing (1.0-1.8", clouds, new moon to half moon, 6 nights. 28.07.2024, 18:35:08
 240702 Omicron Cygni Filamentary Nebula - CDK17 HSO HSO image, Hubble 3 palette (modified), ASI6200MM PRO, 18.1h integration time (of 23.5h), good to excellent seeing, half moon. 03.07.2024, 12:10:33
 240624 B144 Fish on the platter nebula - CDK17 reduced HSO HSO image, Hubble 4 palette (modified), ASI6200MM PRO, 8.6h integration time (from 12h exposure), very good-medium seeing (1.2"-1.6") in 5 nights, full moon. 25.06.2024, 07:54:53
 240617 WR134 Supernove Remnant - CDK17 reduced HSO HSO image, Hubble 4 palette (modified), ASI6200MM PRO, good-medium seeing (1.4"-1.6") 17.06.2024, 22:06:49
 240525 M51 Whirlpool Galaxy - CDK17 reduced HLRGB HLRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 4.4h integration time, 4 nights (18.4h exposed, only 1/4 used), good to mediocre seeing (1.3"-1.8"), full moon. 25.05.2024, 22:41:00
 240517 Half Moon in Red Light - CDK17 reduced R Red Filter, ASI6200MM PRO, 20ms exposure time at f/4.5, Gain 100, selected from 550 subs. Good seeing. 17.05.2024, 20:36:35
 240514 NGC5033 Galaxy - CDK17 reduced HLRGB HLRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 7.7h integration time, 2 nights, good to medium seeing (1.2"-1.6"), little moon. 15.05.2024, 00:15:25